I 2016 undersøkte jeg sukker som et alternativ til å stive opp tekstiler. Fordelen med sukker er at det er sterkt, men også mulig å reversere. Mens BLAD og SKROG lever videre og kan stilles ut på mange ulike måter er HVIT FORM vasket ut, og gjenbrukt til noe annet.
Bilder: Povilas Rėklaitis
In 2016, I explored sugar as an alternative to stiffen textiles. The advantage of sugar is that it is strong, but also possible to reverse. While LEAF and CARCASS continue to exist and can be exhibited in various ways, WHITE SHAPE has been reused for something else.
Photos: Povilas Rėklaitis

WHITE SHAPE (2016) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

WHITE SHAPE (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

WHITE SHAPE (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

BLAD (LEAF) (2016) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

BLAD (LEAF) (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

BLAD (LEAF) (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

BLAD (LEAF) (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

SKROG (CARCASS) (2016) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

SKROG (CARCASS) (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm

SKROG (CARCASS) (2016) (detail) - Cotton shaped and set with sugar and water - 55 x 140 x 33cm